Estonian Business and Innovation Agency International conference grant

The 8th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference is supported by the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency International conference grant and co-funded by the European Union.

Project name: BEChem 2024

Project summary: The 8th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference (BEChem 2024) deals with electrochemical processes with a focus on renewable energy storage and production and hydrogen energy. The conference highlights the importance of electrochemistry in future technologies used to develop better batteries, fuel cells, solar panels and electrolysers. BEChem 2024 in Tartu brings together new ideas, innovative solutions and inspiring research.

Project objectives and results:  Modern energy storage and production equipment and the transition to sustainable solutions in this area are undoubtedly critical to achieving the goals set in the EU’s energy and climate policy (e.g., European Green Deal, EU Fit-for-55). Exchange of knowledge and cooperation between the Estonian and international scientific community and companies promotes the effectiveness of research work on the one hand and knowledge transfer on the other hand, so that these results can be applied in real systems, not only at the laboratory level. This ensures the continuation of the development of the field of electrochemistry both in Estonia and internationally. One important goal of the project is to ensure that Estonian students can participate in the conference free of charge. This gives students the opportunity to listen to and communicate with recognized researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of electrochemistry already during their bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies. This promotes the rapid development of the academic and business sectors of the field of electrochemistry in Estonia. Estonian electrochemistry scientists and companies are highly valued and have cooperation partners worldwide. Based on the above, we are convinced that BEChem 2024 will bring delegates from all over the world to Tartu. This is also supported by the fact that BEChem 2018 was attended by 173 delegates from more than 30 countries, including Japan, South Korea, Chile, the United States and South Africa. The goal of BEChem 2024 is to host 120 foreign delegates in Tartu. The purpose of the grant is to increase Estonia’s reputation as a destination for international conferences. To this end, cooperation is carried out with various accommodation, catering and tourism companies in Tartu and Southern Estonia. Cooperation with accommodation facilities is important when organizing a conference. Partners at BEChem 2018 were V Spa Hotel, Dorpat, Tartu Hotel, Lydia Hotel, Antonius Hotel and Hektor Design Hostel. Cooperation with various Tartu hotels is also planned this time. Longer lunch breaks are planned during the conference, during which delegates will be directed to have lunch in various restaurants in the city of Tartu. These lunch offers are included in the participation fee and are pre-arranged with the restaurants. During BEChem 2018, such lunch partners were Cafe Shakespeare, Café Spargel, Vapiano, V Cafe, Big Ben pub, Emajõe Brewery, Restoran Entri and Reval Cafe. Excursions introducing Tartu and Tartu County (a visit to ERM and dinner, a bog hike in Meenikunno bog and Forest Restaurant, Alatskivi Castle and Kolkja Fish and Onion Restaurant, Tartu tour with a guide and lunch in the Gunpowder Cellar) are organized in cooperation with several guides and tour organizers and catering companies in small places.

Grant amount: 22 729 €

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