How do I get to Tartu?

Please refer to our Travel section of the website for detailed instructions and additional travel suggestions.

Do I need a visa and can I receive help with the visa process?

Estonia is a member of the Schengen area, meaning that travellers coming from other Schengen countries do not need an additional visa to enter Estonia. Nationals of the EU, EEA, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, in addition to further countries, do not need a visa to visit Estonia. Please consult the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website for a full list and details. If you do require a Schengen area visa, you can submit an application at an Estonian representation abroad. If there is not an Estonian embassy or consulate in your country, you can apply at the office of a Member State representing Estonia in issuing visas. 

If you require an official invitation for the visa process, please contact the conference organizers after your paper has been accepted.

What are the requirements for the presentations?

Oral presentations must be in English and 15+5 min in length (except keynotes); LCD projectors and laptops will be provided for all oral presentations. Presenting authors have to bring their presentation on a USB flash drive to be used with the dedicated laptop that will be in the technical session room. Speakers requiring additional equipment must make a written request via e-mail at least one month prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements may be worked out, subject to availability, and at the expense of the author.

Poster presentations must be displayed in English, on an A0 board (approximately 1.19 meters high by 0.84 meters wide), corresponding to their title, abstract, and day of presentation in the final program.

Practical information about Estonia (estonia.ee):

Should you have any questions regarding academic or organizational issues, please contact the organizers.

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