Sunday, April 14th 2024



OPENING: 11:40 Room 1


KEYNOTE: Prof. Alexei A. Kornyshev
Imperial College London

“Electrochemistry for Smart Materials: From Molecular Electronics to Ionotronics”


Room 1

Room 2

Computational Electrochemistry

Fundamental electrochemistry

Session chair: Prof. Alexei A. Kornyshev

Session chair: Prof. Enn Lust

Mr. Ritums Cepitis, University of Tartu

Geometry Adaptive Catalysts to Bypass Scaling Relations in Oxygen Reduction Reaction

INVITED: Prof. Richard  Compton, University of Oxford
Electrochemistry and Single Entity Plankton


Dr. Valera Veryazov, Lund University
Can Quantum Chemistry Help to Understand Electrochemistry?

INVITED: Mr. Haotian Chen, University of Oxford
Discovering Electrochemistry with an Electrochemistry-Informed Neural Network (ECINN)


Dr. Andrejs Cesnokovs, University of Latvia
Structural and Electronic Parameters Governing Proton Migration Barriers in BaFeO3-δ: a Computational Study

Prof. Jay Wadhawan, University of Hull
The Electrochemical “Dance” of Oil Droplets Bathed by Aqueous Solutions


Dr. Sheng Bi, National Centre for Scientific Research
Co-ion Desorption as the Main Charging Mechanism in Metallic 1T-MoS2 Supercapacitors

Mr. Christian Höß, Ilmenau University of Technology
Electrochemical Treatment of Effluents from Electroplating Shops Using Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes


Coffee break


Room 1

Room 2

Computational Electrochemistry

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Session chair: Dr. Andrejs Cesnokovs

Session chair: Dr. Manasa Rath

Mr. Heigo Ers, University of Tartu
Adsorption and Structuring Processes at Single-crystal Electrode and Ionic Liquid Interface – Insights from Simulations and in situ Studies

INVITED: Prof. Xiao-Dong Zhou, University of Connecticut
On Fundamental Relationship between Activity and Stability in Solid Oxide Cells


Dr. Felix Schwab, German Aerospace Center
Continuum Modelling and 3D Simulations of Ni/Zn Cells

Prof. Gunnar Nurk, University of Tartu
In situ NAP-HT-XPS Studies of La0.31Sr0.58Ti0.97Ni0.03O3-δ Thin Film SOFC Anode


Mr. Diwakar Singh, University of Duisburg-Essen
Theoretical Study of Nitrogen Reduction over Mxenes

Dr. Priit Möller, University of Tartu
Utilizing of TOF-SIMS Method for SOFC and SOEC Development


Dr. Jerzy Jasielec, University of Turku
Computer-aided Materials Characterisation of the Solid Boosters for the Redox Flow Batteries

Prof. Seung-Taek Myung, Sejong University
Migration of Mg in Na-O-Mg Configuration for Oxygen Redox of Sodium Cathode


KEYNOTE: Dr. Subhash C. Singhal
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Solid Oxide Cells for Electricity and Hydrogen Generation


18:00 – 21:00

Poster session and Welcome reception

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