Tuesday, April 16th 2024



KEYNOTE: Prof. Enn Lust
University of Tartu
Development of hierarchically porous materials for high energy – power density green energy technology devices



Room 1

Room 2



Novel Materials for Advanced Technologies


Session chair: Dr. Gints Kucinskis

Session chair: Prof. Richard Compton


Dr. Eneli Monerjan, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Exploring Beyond Lithium-ion Batteries with Scattering Techniques and Advanced Electrochemical Analysis, Spanning ex situ to Real-time Assessments

Mr. Reima Herrala, Aalto University
Functional Surfaces from Complex Solutions with Electrochemically Assisted Aqueous Reduction



Mr. Raphael Streng, Technical University of Munich
High-Performance Aqueous Batteries Utilizing Low-Cost and Sustainable Bisalt Electrolytes

INVITED: Prof. Ladislav Kavan, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistry of Oxide Semiconductors (SnO2, TiO2 and ZnO) in Aqueous and Aprotic Media




Coffee break




Novel Materials for Advanced Technologies


Session chair: Dr. Eneli Monerjan

Session chair: Prof. Richard Compton


Dr. Huy Nguyen, Ulm University, German Aerospace Center
Effective model for Sodium insertion in Hard Carbon

Mrs. Alejandra Medrano Banda, University of Strasbourg
Unraveling the Effect of Fe in the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose on Ni(OH)2 in Alkaline Media



Ms. Liga Britala, Riga Technical University
Development of a Wet-chemical Al2O3 Coating Synthesis on LiNi0.33Co0.33Mn0.33O2 (NCM111) Electrode Material for Cycle Life Extension of Li-ion Batteries

Dr. Luiza Zudina, RWTH Aachen University
Еlectrocatalytic Activity of NH4+, Co2+ and Fe2+– doped MnO2 as Cathode Catalysts in NH3-based Fuel Cells



Dr. Gunārs Bajārs, University of Latvia
Study of Fe2O3 and TiO2 Molar Ratio Impact on Lithium-ion Battery Anode Performance

Mr. Antoine Baron, University of Lille
Electrochemical Morphogenesis of Conducting Polymers for Evolvable



Dr. Linas Vilčiauskas, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
Phosphate Framework Materials for Ion Insertion Batteries: Understanding, Performance, Degradation

Prof. Ivo Leito, University of Tartu
Unified pH Scale – from Concept to Applications






KEYNOTE: Dr. Rasmus Palm
University of Tartu
A look into molecular transport mechanisms through the use of in situ methods



Room 1

Room 2



Estonian Electrochemistry Companies


Session chair: Dr. Kerli Liivand

Session chair: Dr. Meelis Härmas


Prof. Guntars Vaivars, University of Latvia
Novel Ionic-liquid-based Composite Electrolytes for Sodium-ion Batteries

Elcogen AS, Dr. Martin Skov Skjøth-Rasmussen
Challenges and Opportunities Industrializing a Second-To-NoneAnode Support Solid Oxide Technology



Dr. Markéta Zukalová, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry
Novel Composite Cathode for Li-sulfur Batteries

H2Electro OÜ, Dr. Sara Paydar
Developmenet of Novel Fuel Electrode for Solid Oxide Cells with Increased Redox Stability



Dr. Yogesh Kumar, University of Tartu
Scalable Synthesis of Polymer-based Atomically Dispersed Electrocatalysts for Rechargeable Zinc-air Batteries

PowerUp Fuel Cells OÜ, Dr. Kush Chadha
The Development of an Innovative and Optimized Open Cathode PEMFC Stack: Design Optimization



Coffee break




Estonian Electrochemistry Companies


Session chair: Dr. Liis Siinor

Session chair: Dr. Ove Oll


INVITED: Dr. Gints Kucinskis, University of Latvia
Investigating the Temperature-Dependent Ageing Mechanisms and Energy Efficiency of Commercial Lithium-Ion Batteries

UP Catalyst OÜ, Dr. Ann Laheäär
The Path to CO2 Negative Battery Production: Sustainable Carbon Materials for Energy Storage



Mr. Vahid Abbasi, University of Turku
Boosting the Cell Voltage in Biphasic Flow Batteries Using Galvani Potential Difference

RedoxNRG OÜ, Dr. Nadežda Kongi
Advancing Carbon Dioxide Removal and Utilization Through Electrochemical Processes



Dr. John Ostrander, Institute for Energy Technology
Post-Mortem Analysis of Commercial Li-ion Pouch Cells For Use in Second Life Applications

Skeleton Technologies OÜ, Dr. Mati Arulepp
Skeleton Technologies’ Curved Graphene-based Developments



Dr. Yauhen Aniskevich, Sejong University
Tracking Electrochemical (De)sodiation of Hard Carbon by Electrochemical Impedance and Raman Spectroscopy

Metrosert OÜ, Mr. Priit Ilomets
AS Metrosert: Facilitating Innovation in Hydrogen Technologies and Beyond






Conference dinner at AHHAA

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